What does the penumbral lunar eclipse mean in East Asian Astrology?

In Corean mythology, the legend of fire dogs from the underworld called Bulgaes 불개 are the reason why we see eclipses. The story goes that the Emperor of Gamangnara (Dark World) craved to see the light of the bright sun and moon. He sent the ferocious Bulgae to fetch the sun and moon, and bring it back to the Dark World. However, when the Bulgae tried biting the sun, it was too hot. The Emperor sent another Bulgae, more ruthless than the first, to fetch the moon. This Bulgae was able to catch the moon but as he was carrying to back to the Gamangnara, its as too cold and icy keep it in his mouth. To this day, the Emperor continues to send Bulgaes to the steal the sun and moon, and each time the Bulgae bites the sun or moon, we the dark sides of the sun or moon hidden revealing an eclipse.

On May 5, 2023, we experience the full Flower Moon penumbral lunar eclipse!

Saju 사주 or BaZi 八字 in Chinese is known as the “Four Pillars of Destiny” — the astrological system of East Asia. Essentially, it’s the same celestial planets and stars as Western astrology but the elements vary greatly. In Saju, we have the Yin and Yang aspects of the 5 elements, 12 zodiac animals, 10 gods, as well as the 60 Year Luck Pilar and Annual Qi that governs an individual’s Destiny. Additionally, each of us are affected by the Qi of the universe when we collectively experience an event like an lunar eclipse.

This lunar eclipse is ruled by the Gui Yin Water 癸, the Yin Water Pig 亥, and the the Yang Water Rob Wealth Star 壬 .

There is a common overwhelming theme here which is the Water element. Water is associated with the collective unconsciousness, the primordial Qi, the Will (Zhi spirit) and the emotional experience of Fear/Fright. In order to understand the impacts of the penumbral lunar eclipse, we have to recognize the interaction of the various Qi in the Saju chart of the day. The interaction of the Qi and the strong Water element presence may activate envious feelings.


No one likes to feel envious but envy is a neutral experience like any other emotions.


It is our interaction with the neutral Qi of Envy that transforms it into something else like bitterness, grudge, and discontent.

But if you take the time to step back and observe how your own innate Qi is interacting with the the Qi of Envy then you can learn quite a bit about your inner desires.

During this lunar eclipse, take the time to reflect and explore envious feelings. For some, this might be more accessible while for others, you may not be familiar with envious.


Reflect on — Where is this feeling stemming from? Where in your body do you feel it the most? What story is this feeling telling you about yourself?

Name the things that are activating your feelings of envy. Try to be tender towards yourself, and remind yourself that this emotional experience of envy begins as a neutral state. This might help you create distance and be more observant.


This lunar eclipse sets the path for 2024 — ruled by the Yin Qi and the Rob Wealth Star.

Think of this time as a little sneak peak. By being transparent with yourself on the things you envy, it allows you to reflect and see if — 1) these are things you really want or 2) these are things that you were conditioned to believe that you should want. These two reflective questions are very different things, and the approach to moving forward with also vary.

For example, if you find yourself envious of your friend’s extravagant lifestyle then try to get clear on what exactly do you envy. Is it their money? Financial freedom? Luxurious vacation? These may be things that you can have when you learn how to use your innate gifts and talents.

If it is the latter, then unravel the conditioned story you have been told. Somewhere along the line, you were told that you needed to have this and that. But is it really what you want?

Envy can stir uncomfortable feelings that we often want to avoid feeling.

We may feel shame, rage or even a sense of guilt. But there is wisdom in envy. Ignoring it will only prevent us from understanding the complexity of our identity and higher purpose. Expanding your consciousness and awareness gives you choices in life; and choices gives you the ability to align with your Destiny.


Peach Blossom Luck