New Moon — Awakening the Yin and Yang

The New Moon phase which begins on July 28th on 10:54 AM represents birth — a new beginning. This lunar phase is symbolized by the awakening of the Yin and Yang Qi in the macrocosmic universe within Nature and the microcosmic universe within our self. The New Moon in July is unique in that it occurs during the last solar term of the Fire element season as we transition into the Metal season. Whenever we transition into a new season, we always return back to the Earth element — the central core of our being.

The New Moon this month is significant. In addition to a new lunar cycle, this particular New Moon will guide us back to our Earth element as we transition from the Fire (summer) to Metal (autumn) season. This phase symbolizes the act of giving birth AND being born.

It is the Creator-Creation dynamic.

The Mother-Child dynamic.

The Yin-Yang dynamic.

During this phase, we are given the opportunity to witness our own rebirth. We give birth to our Self and experience the act of being born. This allows us to be born again with the wisdom of the past and the fresh perspective of a new soul. We find space to explore moving forward with the knowledge that this is a brand new experience. Our old patterns, narratives, and beliefs are no longer a part of us. We have the choice to create new patterns, narratives, and beliefs.

Return to the Earth element

Transitioning into a new season takes an accumulation of powerful Qi to move into a new elemental phase. We may not be aware but we internally feel the effort it takes to transition into a new season. It is the end and the beginning. This is the reason why we always have to return back to the Earth element. We return back to the core to re-center ourselves and move forward with clarity.

As the center core, the Earth element represents our need to nurture and give. It symbolizes indulgent comfort that makes us feel safe. And we can learn a lot about how to return to the core from our Earth Elemental Archetype friends.

Balanced Earth types are able to nurture and give to others because they are consistently nurturing and giving to themselves.

Their unique ability to nurture stems from their life time wisdom of learning to soothe themselves, and they prioritize their self-care. Earth types are sensitive beings who have the gift to love unconditionally and without any barrier. Their love is never transaction. It is abundant and overflowing.

Transition from Fire to Metal

We are leaving the Yang Fire season of summer flings, passionate exploration, and exciting adventures. We may find ourselves feeling melancholy or a desire to spend time alone. The Yang is declining as we head towards the Yin within Yang Metal season. Metal is the season that represents Grief. It is the time to reconnect ourselves with our breath and voice as we let go and grieve. It can feel like a stark transition from Fire to Metal, and this is why returning back to the grounding Earth element to re-center ourselves is important.

During this New Moon phase, explore various ways to soothe and nurture yourself — alone and/or with others. This is going to look very different for each person. For guidance, remember that the Earth element feels cozy, comfortable, and maybe even a little indulgent. Earth indulgent does not have to be expensive. Nor do you do need ‘a lot’ of it. The beauty of indulgence is that a little goes a long way.

One question I like to ask myself when I am working with my Earth element is —

Does this feel like a warm hug?

Whether it is getting a mani/pedi, watching Netflix, or walking through a Sunday morning flea market — a self-longevity ritual that focuses on the Earth element feels like a big, tender, warm hug. This New Moon phase is an invitation to abundantly nourish your Earth element, return to your center, and meet the person you are becoming.

Try to speak to yourself a bit more tenderly. Give yourself grace to be messy. Allow yourself to cry, throw an adult tantrum, and have a pity party for yourself. Then soothe yourself with a simple practice to nourish your Earth element as you transition into the Metal season. The New Moon Qi is here to remind you that the next moment will always be a brand new cyclical experience of giving birth and being born.

For more guidance, book a personalized Daoist facial analysis consultation. Also, the 2022 lunisolar Yang Black Water Tiger calendar + workbook is now 50% off!


5 Metal Phases of Grief


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